Fuel your skin with the correct lotion for tanning
If you have a car, you must know which fuel it runs on in order to select the right pump at the filling station. If the engine is made for diesel fuel, it will not work very well if you fill the tank width 98 octane petrol.
It is a little bit the same for tanning lotions. If you use the wrong kind of lotion for your intended tanning occasion, you might destroy the tanning result and maybe even your health.
Tanning is a widely used term for three different activities related to darkening (or not darkening) your skin. Actually there is a forth activity of tanning, which is the original meaning of dying animal hides. Our concern is, however, only human, living, skin.
The three tanning activities and the purpose for each are:
Being outside, in the open sun and wanting to protect yourself from too much UV radiation. (Fed with the ever-present anti-sunlight propaganda, you probably believe that you need to protect your skin towards all kind of daylight, all the time. This, however, is not a very good idea).
Tanning your skin to a darker colour by applying (spraying or rubbing on) lotions that do just that. A side effect of the sun-scare indoctrination is that this method to get a "healthy" darker skin-tone gets more and more popular.
If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: best tanning lotion